Prostate Health: Useful Information on (CANCER and an ENLARGED GLAND)

You have to stay ahead of the game if you want to prevent prostate cancer by taking care of your prostate health.


Did you know that more than 190,000 cases are diagnosed with prostate cancer in the U.S each year according to the American Cancer Society? That's a astonishing amount and I think if you know this number you will definitely take better care of your prostate health now.

Prostate (normal and Enlarged) image

Prostate (normal and Enlarged)

8 Best Tips on improving your prostate health and preventing cancer:

  1. Don't smoke: Prostate cancer is worst in men who smoke. Smoking may increase the risk of cancer through exposure to carcinogens.
  2. It is recommended to eat more vegetables and fruit: You need to eat fruits and vegetables that contains lycopene, which is a very potent antioxidant. Fruits such as grapefruits, papaya, tomatoes and watermelon are high in lycopene. And vegetables such as kale, sprouts cauliflower, cabbage and broccoli are fabulous choices.
  3. Another addition to make to your diet is to eat selenium foods such as tuna( any seafood and shellfish), kidneys, mushrooms, onions, garlic and eggs. This is believed to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
  4. Use soy products: Soy sources such as tofu, soy flour and powder and soy nuts are truly good for you.
  5. Eat healthy and exercise on a regular basis.
  6. It can be in the family: Having a father or brother with prostate cancer doubles your chances to getting it and it is better to let your doctor know beforehand.
  7. Use supplements which aids in helping to keep your prostate health up and running. More on this later on!
  8. Finally, it is recommended to get a PSA ( prostate specific antigen) and a digital rectal exam each year when you reach the age of 50 and above. African American men are a more of a high risk and should begin testing at the age of 45, including men with a strong family history of prostate cancer.

As you can see there are quite a few foods for prostate health to help you in preventing prostate cancer.

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What does the prostate do and what is the prostate gland function?

The prostate gland function is to produce fluid such as prostatic fluid which is unseen during an ejaculation.

Here are 7 Enlarged prostate symptoms:

Most men have no enlarged prostate gland symptoms, but here are the ones you might experience:

  • Difficulty to start urinating
  • Urine drip after urination
  • A feeling of not emptying the bladder completely
  • A weak stream of urine
  • More frequent visits to the toilet to urinate
  • Strong urge to urinate, especially at night
  • Blood in the urine

As you can see, every symptom you see here have to do with a man's urination. So check when you go to pee for these enlarged prostate symptoms.

Take our quiz right now and see how well you are informed on a enlarged prostate gland.

Top 10 questions you might have - we have the answers to them:

Will I need a PSA test?

  • You will need a PSA test if you have a history of prostate cancer in the family.
  • If you are an African American man
  • If you are 50 years and older, even when know known symptoms of an enlarged prostate gland is visible.

Your doctor will explain the pro's and con's of the test with you and then you can decide if you want to take it or not.

Is screening available for prostate cancer?

No, there are currently no dependable test to detect is and no clear treatment.

Can prostate cancer treatment cause erection problems?

Yes, unfortunately it is very common to have short and long term erection problems after removing the prostate gland.

Does prostate cancer affect my sexual desire?

Yes, it can affect your sex drive. It can cause you to lose interest in sex but it should return to normal once hormone treatment has stopped. But this can take up to a year.

How will a Prostatectomy affect my ability to orgasm?

You will experience all the signs of a normal ejaculation but you will experience a dry ejaculation without releasing any semen.

Will prostate cancer treatment make me infertile?

The treatment can affect the production of sperms and can cause infertility. If it is possible, try to store some sperms before getting treatment to use later on to fertilize an egg.

Can having a vasectomy increase my risk?

Many prostate cancer experts agree it is unlikely that vasectomy increases the risk of developing prostate cancer. And although a link can't be ruled out altogether, if there is an increase in risk, it is probably small.

So to reduce my risk of prostate cancer, will a healthy diet help?

Many doctors trust that a diet low in animal fats and high in fruit, vegetables and sea foods can protect men from prostate cancer. There are no proof of this fact but the fact remains: You will be healthier if you follow a healthy diet.

So what are the prostate cancer symptoms?

Prostate Cancer image

Prostate Cancer

  • Frequent pain in the lower back, hips, or upper thighs
  • A need to urinate frequently, during night time
  • Holding back urine
  • Burning while urinating
  • Weak or interrupted flow of urine
  • Trouble in having an erection
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Blood in urine or semen

These are the prostate cancer symptoms, if you experience any of these signs, please visit your doctor as soon as possible. Don't delay. Rather be safe than sorry.

Prostate Support

As you can see there are quite a few things to do in order to prevent an enlarged prostate gland and it is crucial to take care of your prostate health as soon as you are reading this article.

I would recommend you to take a supplement called prostate support in combination with male rejuvenator. These 2 supplements will give you all the protection you will need to prevent this dreadful cancer.

Remember to take our quiz to see how well informed you are on enlarged prostate gland.

The best supplement I would recommend is Prostate Support by Xtend Life. See the review below:


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