Dong Quai Extract Drug Interactions - The Absolute Truth about This Amazing Herb

Dong Quai extract drug interactions can really cause some serious side effects or problems, especially combined with drugs or even the wrong natural herbs.


When you take the Dong Quai herb as a stand alone product, you can't face too much side effects if you stick to the right Dong Quai extract dosage and read the labels carefully.

There are some major interactions that everyone should pay attention to:

Warfarin acts like a blood thinning aspirin or ibuprofen and if you use Dong Quai with Warfarin the same time, it can cause some side effects like blood clotting and excessive bleeding.

The reason for this is that Dong Quai also provokes blood thinning.Dong-Quai-Extract-Drug-Interactions image

It does not mean that Dong Quai should not be used at all, but using both at the same time could provoke more side effects than benefits.

  • Other medications - any medication that is supposed to regulate your hormone level can be dangerous, if you don't follow the rules. For instance, medications based on estrogen, progesterone, oral contraceptives can cause you a problem and increase Dong Quai extract drug interactions, and even enhance the symptoms if you don't use them properly.


Dong Quai is used in menopause to increase the estrogen levels back to normal and this is why it is advised not to use if with the above mentioned problems. Dong Quai extract buying guide can really help if you're not sure which product best suits you and your health condition.

  • Herbs The Fever few, Garlic, Ginger, Gingko, Ginseng, they all need to be taken carefully if you are already using Dong Quai treatment. After all, no matter how natural one herb may be, it can always be an extra trigger for some, unknown medical conditions.

As you can see Dong Quai should be used carefully with drugs or other herbs. However I recommend taking hormone support for her if you don't want to be exposed to any risk.

Each herb that is used in hormone support for her is carefully selected and the dosage is completely safe for you. After some time using this product, you'll realize how easy your life can be, and you can finally dedicate yourself to some more important things.

Moreover, you won't have to think about Dong Quai extract drug interactions; the labels will give you all the information you need, so you can get your hormone levels back to normal in a natural way. Everything you have ever desired in your life can be possible with X tend life's products; completely natural and more than helpful in many cases.


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