Dong Quai Extract Root Side Effects - Are There Any Side Effects And Are They Serious?

Dong Quai extract root side effects... Are there any and is it serious?


I would really like to tell you that there are no side effects when you use Dong Quai but there most certainly are Dong Quai extract root side effects that you should know about before taking in any way.

As you may know Dong Quai is very popular in treating a variety of health conditions such as PMS and menopause.

But unfortunately there are side effects which is not too serious. This herb comes in different preparations like teas, capsules and many other.

Now you see the biggest reason why Dong Quai extract causes side effects is that some people over uses this herb.

Then another reason is when you make this herb in preparation yourself, you may not know what the right amount of dosage you need.

However when you use in supplements like hormone support for her, you not only get the best results but take in the right amount of what's needed.

So using this herb in a supplement really does not have any side effects.

Companies like X tend life knows exactly which amount is needed. And another great advantage of them is that they only use standardized products so you can know it is healthy and not dangerous to use their products.


This article takes a look at the recorded Dong Quai extract root side effects:

  • This herb can be a risk to a woman's hormones. It may cause cancer that is related to the breast, the ovary and uterus. It may also cause endometriosis. It is therefore, advisable not to overlie on it and one has to be cautious.

More so one needs to consult a physician before the usage of Dong Quai as there may be Dong Quai extract root side effects. Such expertise guidance can help in ensuring that one gets maximum benefit from the herb while avoiding the associated risks.

  • There is a possibility of excessive bleeding in the process of using the herb. The presence of coumarin derivatives has anticoagulant and an anti-platelet effect.

This effect may increase this risk because the herb veers a blood thinning property. People should guard against overuse of the herb. For those already experiencing bleeding disorder, a more cautious approach on the usage Dong Quai should be taken.

  • Another side effect may be the increased photo sensitivity. An over usage of this herb gradually exposes the skin to sunlight related problems. The skin may have inflammation, the sun burn and rushes.

One needs to be cautious and can take measures such as avoiding sun exposure, wearing protective attires and sunscreen. People using medication that cause photosensitive need to avoid using Dong Quai due to the fact that this medication include triton, antidepressants, and drugs to treat cancer among others.

  • There is also a possibility of gastrointestinal effect. Long usage of the drug may have effects like causing diarrhea, lack of appetite, stomach ache, vomiting and other related effects.
  • Allergic reactions have been registered as a side effect. People who have hypersensitivity or allergy are advised not to take Dong Quai as a solution.
  • Miscarriage is another problem that can be caused. Pregnant mothers are advised not to take this herb as it is a menstrual stimulant and can cause the uterus to contract. It can eventually cause abortion or miscarriage.

In conclusion, every drug has its own benefits. There are however, some setbacks in natural remedies as well. Every supplement, drug or medication should be taken as instructed and should not be over used.

These Dong Quai extract root side effects are caused by an over usage and when you use a supplement like hormone support for her you do not need to worry about these side effects due to the fact as I mentioned above, it has the right amount of Dong Quai extract Angelica Sinensis included so that you can only get benefits and not side effects.


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